Certificate in Medical Professional Liability: Modules 3, 6, 7 and 17 (Not CE-eligible)

*Modules 4, 7, 17, and 21 are currently under content review and will be available for purchase later in 2024
The Certificate in Medical Professional Liability Set includes all of the following modules in the online eLearning format. This set includes access to both the content and exam. These modules are not eligible for CE credit.

Module 3 | Professional Liability Insurance: Introduction
The discussion of CGL in module C-02-CGL lays the groundwork for this module that introduces the purpose and sources of Professional Liability Insurance and the elements of negligence claims. The module helps the student recognize the main components of PLI policies and understand the scope of their coverage, including who is covered and where coverage applies. It describes the types of damages or losses covered, how defense is covered, and an Insurer’s duty to defend. The module explains how various components of PLI policies shape coverage, including policy conditions, exclusions, policy limits, deductibles and retentions. The rationale for claims-made coverage, various types of claims-made policies, what constitutes a claim, when a claim is made, and triggers for claims-made coverage are also explored. The module reviews the importance of the application process, critical factors considered in underwriting a potential insured, and how risk management activities impact the underwriting process. The module also addresses how to coordinate PLI coverage with CGL coverage – recognizing key factors for analyzing and coordinating coverages, and key causes of gaps and overlaps.

Module and exam copyright date: 2017

Module 6 | Professional Liability Insurance Claims
The purpose of this module is to cover the basic concepts involved in the claims process across all disciplines of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI). Correct claims notification and recognition of potential claims are important aspects. The module describes important facets of the process, including managing policyholder relationships, communicating potential coverage issues, the reserving process, including how and when, for both the indemnity and expense portions of the claim. The module addresses litigation management issues, such as litigation management investigation and the use of monitoring and/or coverage counsel in the course of the litigation process. This module concludes with information on how to settle PLI claims – case management strategies, objectives in claims settlements, settlement and negotiation techniques, and settlement agreement components.

Module and exam copyright date: 2017

Module 7 | Medical Professional Liability Insurance: Introduction
The purpose of this module is to cover the basic concepts involved in the claims process across all disciplines of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI). Correct claims notification and recognition of potential claims are important aspects. The module describes important facets of the process, including managing policyholder relationships, communicating potential coverage issues, the reserving process, including how and when, for both the indemnity and expense portions of the claim. The module addresses litigation management issues, such as litigation management investigation and the use of monitoring and/or coverage counsel in the course of the litigation process. This module concludes with information on how to settle PLI claims – case management strategies, objectives in claims settlements, settlement and negotiation techniques, and settlement agreement components.

Module and exam copyright date: 2017

This module’s content is being reviewed by subject matter experts as of November 2023. The updated module and exam are expected to be available later in 2024.

Module 17 | Advanced Medical Professional Liability
This module builds on basic concepts of the introductory module to Medical Professional Liability Insurance (C-07-MPL). It focuses on the three main segments of medical professional liability – hospitals and healthcare facilities, physicians, and allied healthcare professionals – and introduces a wide variety of medical professional liability exposures. There is a discussion of miscellaneous healthcare facilities, in particular ambulatory surgery centers, and the special exposures they represent. The module gives long term care facilities separate treatment, exploring their evolution, history and broad spectrum of exposures. The various categories of allied healthcare professionals mentioned in the introductory module, including pharmacists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychologists and social workers, are given more detailed analysis. Various types of managed care organizations, sources of their liability, and underwriting and rating considerations are explored. Hospital D&O liability has its own unique characteristics, so a chapter is devoted to the healthcare industry D&O environment, sources of D&O claims in a hospital setting, and underwriting considerations. The module summarizes medical professional liability claims, risk management, and emerging medical professional liability exposures.

Module and exam copyright date: 2017

This module’s content is being reviewed by subject matter experts as of November 2023. The updated module and exam are expected to be available later in 2024.

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  2. Select the course you purchased and then click Enroll followed by Start Course

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Certificate in Medical Professional Liability

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