May 4, 2023
Commercial & Cyber Crime Risks: A Coverage Labyrinth Webinar Recap

Commercial Crime is more than just burglary or theft of cash from a register or bank account, or equipment from an office. A business could be exposed to crime, from within because of employee dishonesty, and from outside and beyond through electronic infiltration and fraud.
As businesses have evolved with more and more of their transactions and operations becoming virtual or having an increased reliance on the internet and networks to grow and expand, the exposures have evolved and shifted more towards computer-related crime and cyber-crime. Cyber and Crime losses can often be misconstrued, and it is not always simple to determine which is a Crime loss, and which is a Cyber loss.
Brought to you by the PLUS Canada chapter, this session explores Commercial Crime and Cyber Crime exposures and recent trends. This session discusses how to identify a crime loss and a cyber loss, the differences between the two, and the role that brokers can play in structuring a clients insurance program to best address both exposures.
Don’t miss out on learning more about this topic. Login to the PLUS website and listen to the recording here.
PLUS webinars and on-demand recordings are only available to PLUS members so if you haven’t become a member yet you can do so at no-cost here.
Meet the Speakers
- Brigitte Patenaude: Brigitte is a Senior Vice-President within the National Cyber practice at Aon, a leading global professional services firm offering a wide range of risk, retirement and health solutions. She is responsible for negotiating and brokering cyber insurance programs for Aon clients across the country and she is often called upon to articulate cyber insurance concepts to help policyholders better understand their risks and their cyber risk transfer posture. Previously, she was also a member of the Financial Services Group and was the Crime product leader within Aon. Jai commenc ma carrire en assurance en 1991 aprs avoir obtenu un BAC en Administration des Hautes tudes Commerciales. Ma carrire a dbut avec lassureur Chubb en tant que souscriptrice en lignes personnelles et jai par la suite joint le bureau de ING (Western Union) Vancouver en 1996 en tant que gestionnaire de lquipe des lignes Personnes pour la rgion de C-B. Jai joint le cabinet de courtage Aon Montral en 2000 et jai eu la chance doccuper plusieurs postes. Au dpart titre de gestionnaire des Assurance des Particuliers pour par la suite joindre lquipe de gestion des risques en 2004. Par la suite, jai joint lquipe des Groupes Services Financiers en 2008 titre de courtier snior en Assurance Administrateurs et dirigeants, Fiduciaire, Crime et pratiques demploi ; Depuis les cinq dernires annes, je fais partie de la Pratique nationale Cyber pour le Canada.
- Chris McKibbin: Chris McKibbin is a Partner at FCL LLP, a specialty insurance law boutique in Toronto. His practice over the past 19 years has focused primarily on fidelity and commercial crime insurance and financial institution bonds. He has worked on most of the significant litigated fidelity claims in Canada since 2003.
Chris is ranked by Chambers and Partners as one of 19 ranked lawyers in Canada in the category of Insurance: Dispute Resolution for 2023. He has also been named to Expert Guides: The World’s Leading Lawyers in Insurance and Reinsurance and was recognized by Lexpert as a Leading Lawyer to Watch in Commercial Insurance in Canada in both 2018 and 2019. In addition to serving as editor of FCL Fidelity Blog, Chris writes and speaks extensively on fidelity insurance and fraud recovery in both Canada and the United States. He is a co-author of the third edition of Handling Fidelity Bond Claims, the leading North American reference work in the field.
Chris was called to the Ontario Bar in 2003, at which time he won the Osgoode Society Prize as one of the top 25 Bar Admission Course students in Ontario. Prior to that, Chris graduated from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and earned his B.A. from the University of Manitoba, where he graduated with the Gold Medal.
- Ephraim Stulberg: Ephraim Stulberg specializes in the areas of business valuation, economic loss quantification and investigative accounting. He has provided expert evidence in court and at arbitration on multiple occasions. He has worked on matters across Canada, as well as the United States, Europe, South America, the Middle East and Asia.
Ephraim has conducted financial investigations in the context of partnership and shareholder disputes, post-acquisition disputes, buyer-side due diligence and estate disputes, and has also investigated numerous employee thefts.
- Joseph Hines: Joe is responsible for overseeing Gallagher’s cyber risk practice for the Atlantic Region through the placement, and sale of cyber insurance policies to clients of all types. He consults with cyber-security experts across Canada to assist clients with providing risk management expertise, and augmenting cyber-security strategies with cyber insurance and risk transfer solutions. Joseph’s expertise is not limited to cyber insurance as he is an experienced broker with all other lines of commercial insurance.
- Joshua Laycock: Joshua Laycock started his career in 2006 working with a multi-national insurance brokerage in Toronto as a broker and client executive in the Financial Institution and Professional Service industry practice. His clients included some of Canadas largest institutions in the banking and insurance sectors. After six years he moved to the underwriting side, joining The Guarantee Company of North Americas Vancouver office with a focus on driving profitable growth in the Directors and Officers Liability and Fidelity portfolios.
In December of 2015 Joshua moved back home to Toronto to assume the role of National Fidelity Product Manager, responsible for the maintenance and development of underwriting standards, training, marketing, business development, distribution, product innovation and supporting strategies for Canadas second largest Fidelity insurance portfolio. Following GCNAs acquisition by Intact, he moved into the role of Senior Specialist with an emphasis on commercial crime and financial institution bonds.He has a Finance and Commerce degree from the University of Toronto and holds the Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) and Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU) designations.
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Cyber Liability
Professional Liability (PL) Insurance
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