Future PLUS

Future PLUS provides networking and educational events at the Chapter level as well as national influence via volunteer task forces, webinars and other offerings geared for young professionals in the professional liability industry. Future PLUS is the young professionals' group at PLUS, for members aged 35 or younger.

Future PLUS Mentorship Program

This program is designed by Future PLUS to match Future PLUS members with experienced industry professionals in a mentorship program. Participants can be paired with their mentor for 3, 6, or 12 months, depending on their goals for the mentorship pairing. Participants are expected to meet at least once per month, either in-person or virtually.

PLUS Emerging Leader Award

Started in 2020, this award is given annually by senior industry leaders to young professionals who have excelled in their profession and in the industry and exhibit the attributes and ability to become future leaders in their organization and the professional liability insurance industry.

For More Information

Contact our leaders below for more information on what’s going on near you, or contact Tyla Lopez at PLUS for how to get more involved in Future PLUS.

Alaina Clemmons (Chair) - CNA Insurance
Drew Crocitto (At-Large Member) - Travelers
Omar Dogbey (Vice Chair) - Sompo International
Mike Galati (At-Large Member) - Berkley Professional Liability
Kimberly Melvin (Trustee) - Wiley Rein LLP
Albert J Peterson (Immediate Past Chair) - Travelers
Amanda Thompson (At-Large Member) - Liberty Mutual