PLUS is a volunteer-driven organization. Each year hundreds of PLUS members contribute their time, talents, and energy to make PLUS successful. These industry professionals may volunteer on a specific limited-duration task force, on a local-level committee, or on a standing PLUS committee.
Event Committees:
Chapter committees work to provide value to PLUS members on a local level and develop events and content using local resources. There are twelve U.S. Chapters as well as chapters in Canada, London, and Southeast Asia. Activities planned by the chapter committees may include networking events, industry leader sessions, women’s leadership events, golf events, and social events as well as to develop education by local leaders that can be provided broadly to all members through distance education channels. Many chapters have sub-committees for particular events such as for golf tournaments or women’s leadership. Chapter leaders develop succession plans and select future chapter leaders.
This Committee is made up of current and incoming Conference chairs and individuals selected by the chairs to strategize on annual and long-term enhancements to the PLUS Conference. Committee appointments are made by the Conference Chair.
This Committee determines the session topics for the annual PLUS Conference and coordinates the selection of speakers, moderators, and panelists at the event. Content Committee members come from all different professional liability lines and possess deep knowledge of their line of business as well as have strong ties to the professional liability community. Committee appointments are made annually by the Conference Chair.
The Conference Sponsorship Committee is made up of industry senior leaders who have the essential role of obtaining sponsorship to support this industry-leading event. This committee is also charged with driving other senior leaders to participate at the Annual Conference and may provide guidance to the Strategic Planning Committee. Committee appointments are made annually by the Conference Chair.
PLUS annually hosts five educational Symposia attended by thousands of industry professionals. Each Symposium has 4-5 chairs that develop the structure and content for the event; select speakers, moderators, and panelists; obtain event sponsorships; and emcee the respective Symposium. Symposia Chairs are highly respected and highly knowledgeable leaders in their respective segments of the industry. Chairs are appointed by the PLUS Board for three-year terms with 1-2 members rotating off annually.
Education Committees:
PLUS Think Tanks each consist of 10-20 industry representatives in various lines of business. Current Think Tanks include D&O, Cyber, EPL, Transactional Risk, and Healthcare. More Think Tanks may be added in the future. The think tanks provide ideas for distance educational offerings, new educational products, and content topics for PLUS events. New participants are added as needed and this is a great entry point into volunteering with PLUS.
This Committee ensures that the industry-leading PLUS RPLU and RPLU+ designations programs and the corresponding 23-volume curriculum remain current, relevant, and meaningful to current and future designees. The Committee appoints new representatives to the committee as needed.
The Cyber Professional Liability Designation Committee (CPLP) ensures that the cyber insurance industry’s premiere designation continues to grow and evolve. The Committee selects new representatives to the Committee as needed.
Other Committees:
This Committee develops and leads PLUS efforts to provide value and enhance opportunities within PLUS and the industry for members aged 35 and under. The Committee appoints 1-2 members each year and selects a Chair from the Committee.
The Future PLUS Leadership Committee appoints limited-duration task forces that work on specific purposes as needed by the Committee. These task forces have in the past addressed membership growth, young professional involvement, ensuring a welcoming environment at events, providing career and professional development opportunities, and other purposes. These task forces are appointed by the Future PLUS Leadership Committee and provide a great first entry point into volunteerism with PLUS.
The PLUS DEIA Committee works to ensure that equity is integrated into PLUS throughout the entire association. It advances PLUS DEIA mission statement and ensures a welcoming environment at all PLUS events. The Committee includes four PLUS Board members and four at-large members with 1-2 members rolling off each year. New Committee members are nominated by the Committee and appointed by the PLUS Board.
This Board sets the strategic direction and provides oversight to advance the PLUS Foundation’s mission of supporting tomorrow’s diverse professional liability insurance workforce through outreach, education, mentoring, and giving back. This Board is responsible for annual fundraising and distribution of funds for its charitable purposes. Board members may serve up to two three-year terms, are nominated by the Foundation Board, and appointed by the PLUS Board.
The PLUS Board of Trustees sets the strategic direction and provides oversight to advance the PLUS mission to be the global community for the professional liability industry by providing essential knowledge, thought leadership, and career development opportunities. Trustees are industry leaders and engaged PLUS members. Nominations for the PLUS Board are made by PLUS members to the PLUS Nominating Committee which makes recommendations to the PLUS Board. The PLUS Board creates a slate of candidates voted on by the PLUS membership. Trustees may serve up to two three-year terms. The PLUS Board has four standing committees made up of Trustees – the Nominations and Leadership Committee, the Finance & Audit Committee, the DEIA Committee (which also includes non-Trustees), and an Executive Committee.