Members of PLUS have access to a network of resources, one of them being free monthly webinars on a variety of Professional Liability topics. Check out the upcoming free webinars PLUS is offering this September-October. Learn more about each of them and how to register below. You won’t want to miss these sessions!


SEC Rulemaking and Enforcement Trends in 2023 and What to Expect in 2024

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

10 am CT, 11 am ET, 4 pm London time

It is important for D&O professionals to understand trends with respect to SEC priorities, trends and activity as SEC investigations and enforcement actions can be a major driver of severity loss on D&O policies. Being informed on these trends allows D&O professionals to better select and price risk and anticipate potential claims. This webinar will provide an overview of the SEC activity through 2023 both in respect to rulemaking and enforcement actions and discuss anticipated trends in 2024. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the current priorities of the SEC, the areas, and industries the SEC is focused on, and what the expected priorities of the SEC will be in 2024 as we head into a presidential election campaign period.

Speakers: Coy Garrison and Nathaniel Kritzer of Steptoe & Johnson, LLP


Impact of Comprehensive U.S. Privacy Laws on Cyber Insurance

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

1 pm CT, 2 pm ET

At the Federal level during 2022, over 100 pieces of privacy-related legislation was introduced by the 117th Congress. At the state level, 60 comprehensive consumer privacy bills across 29 states were considered in 2022, representing a 106% increase over 2021. As we head into 2023, five states will enact or update comprehensive privacy laws, bringing privacy requirements to a wide variety of businesses that were never under privacy regulations. While many of these laws are borrowing concepts from the California privacy laws, and specifically the updated California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), each requires businesses to take proactive measures to address privacy and security within their operations.

Within this backdrop, a key question is how insurance is responding to these developments, and how businesses should understand their evolving privacy and security risks? This session will explore the implications of these new regulations, and new decisions on existing regulations, to parse the requirements on businesses, and discuss the way that insurance is evolving to meet these new business risks.

Speakers: John ODonnell and Pete Smith from Axis Capital and Jordan Fischer of Octillo

This webinar was rescheduled from April 27th. If you registered at that time, you do not need to register again.


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Cyber Liability, Directors and Officers (D&O)


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