Protect Your Clients—Get the EPLI Betterley Report Today  

Over the past few years, lawsuits against employers have resulted in settlements at unprecedented levels. The reasons for this uptick are due to the impact of increased sexual harassment (#MeToo) claims, class action claims, and wage and hour suits. Moreover, government enforcement actions and investigations have increased in the past few years. A recent study from the Duane Morris law firm of class action lawsuits against employers revealed that class action and government enforcement suits resulted in more than $50 billion in settlements in 2023.

The increased risks faced by employment actions demonstrate the critical need for the right employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) policy. However, EPLI policies are not standard, and the coverage continues to evolve quickly. The recently released Betterley Employment Practices Liability Insurance Market Survey—2023 equips you with the tools to be an expert in the EPLI market.

The Report highlights 27 of the most important EPLI insurers and analyzes the current market of minor to flat rate increases across the small, medium, and large employer market. Addressing the challenging employment law landscape, the Report dives into how they are responding to the risk selection and pricing challenges. For example, many insurers are increasing their scrutiny of the insured’s employment practices, especially practices related to sexual harassment. Also, insurers share how they are dealing with the rise of class action suits.

Further, seventy-eight pages of charts compare the most critical features of these policies, including detailed comparisons for each insurer, their market focus, coverage wording, extensions, capacity, and risk management services. Learn the insurers’ different approaches on multiple topics, such as:

    • The coverages offered by insurers for wage and hour claims.
    • Which insurers offer expanded coverage for Immigration Reform and Control Act claims?
    • The risk management services offered by insurers for no extra cost.
    • The differences between the length of the extended reporting periods (ERP) the insurers offer.

All Specialty Lines insurance professionals should get the Report today to master the employment practices liability insurance market!

You can read the executive summary in PDF form below and you can find additional report highlights and order the full report here.

PLUS Summary Betterley Report – EPL Insurance Market Survey 2023

Meet the Author

Richard S. Betterley, LIA, is the president of Betterley Risk Consultants (BRC), an independent insurance and alternative risk management consulting firm. BRC, founded in 1932, provides independent advice and counsel on matters important to the commercial property and casualty insurance industry and its customers, alternatives to traditional insurance, and related services throughout the United States. It does not sell insurance or related services. Mr. Betterley is a frequent speaker, author, and expert witness on specialty insurance products and related services. He is a member of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society.
He joined the firm in 1975. Mr. Betterley created The Betterley Report in 1994 to be the objective source of information about specialty insurance products. Now published six times annually, The Betterley Report is known for its in-depth coverage of management liability, cyber risk, privacy, intellectual property, and media insurance products.
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Employment Practices Liability (EPL)


Professional Liability (PL) Insurance

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