ERISA Excessive Fees

This video series on ERISA Fiduciary Law highlights current ERISA issues in the Courts, Congress, or at the DOL. The Courts have been flooded with complex ERISA cases and resolutions to some involved large settlements.  Congress continues to pass legislation affecting employee benefit plans requiring plan sponsors to act.  And the DOL has certain enforcement and regulatory initiatives in the pipeline.  Jose M. Jara, counsel at Fox Rothschild, LLP, will guide you on ERISA topics by discussing in depth with special guests from the insurance industry to provide their insights for mitigating risks.

In this video, “Part IV: ERISA Excessive Fees,” Jose’s industry guest is Nicholas Landis, Head of Fiduciary Product at AIG.   They will discuss how the case law regarding excessive fees in defined contribution plans have developed leading up to the Hughes v. Northwestern Supreme Court decision, and the Circuit Court opinions construing the Hughes opinion.  Lastly, they will discuss risk mitigation tips as well as what should be on insurance carriers’ watch list.

You can watch the video below, and keep an eye out in the coming weeks for more installments of this series.

View the previous installments here: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Meet the Speakers

Headshot of Jose Jara.

Jose Jara, Esq.

José M. Jara is Counsel in the Employee Benefits Department of Fox Rothschild, LLP, and focuses his practice on ERISA litigation and counseling.  He has defended fiduciaries and boards of directors against ERISA class action litigation alleging breach of fiduciary duty, including imprudent investments, excessive fees, and valuation issues in Employee Stock Ownership Plans. Mr. Jara’s practice also includes representing clients under investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) regarding civil and/or criminal violations of ERISA. He was formerly a complex claims director for a major international insurance company and a senior pension law specialist with the DOL’s Employee Benefits Security Administration. He is currently the Group Chair of the Employee Plans and Executive Compensation Group of the American Bar Association and a graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center.

Headshot of Nick Landis.Nick Landis

Nick Landis is the Head of Fiduciary Product across all business segments for AIG Financial Lines. As the fiduciary liability insurance practice leader, Nick is responsible for the product’s strategy and portfolio management at the company, including coverages for publicly traded and privately held companies, not-for-profits, organized labor, and municipality plans. He was previously a Vice President for AIG’s Private and Not-For-Profit Financial Lines product team with responsibilities overseeing the portfolio management for the U.S. That portfolio included D&O, Employment Practices Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Fidelity, Kidnap Ransom and Extortion, and Employed Lawyers coverage. Nick has been with AIG’s financial lines team for over 20 years. He holds a B.A. degree in Finance from Villanova University and an M.B.A from Saint Joseph’s University.

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